The Final Step: Green Card Interview

When I started the green card application process, the step I was dreading the most was the interview. I’m not sure why, but anything related to immigration tends to be intimidating for immigrants even if everything you are doing is legit and honest. (Note: If you married an American, it will be hard for him/her to comprehend your anxiety level.) Continue reading

What Happens After Applying for a Green Card?

After finally submitting the green card application package, I did not know what to expect. I’ve dealt with immigration applications before, i.e. my F1 student visa, my OPT, and my H1B work visa, so I knew it was going to be a waiting game, but I didn’t really know what would happen next. Here is a little insight regarding what to expect post-submission. Continue reading

World Cup 2014: #VivaCostaRica

Those that know me well, know that I have never really been immersed in a sport. I’m more of a Zumba/Dancer kinda girl that only roots for a team when I have some type of connection to it. Continue reading

H1B to Green Card: Cost and Time

If you are getting ready to apply for permanent residence (a.k.a. a green card) and considering hiring a lawyer or putting off the application, consider the costs and timing of the application first. Here is a breakdown of our experience. Continue reading

H1B to Green Card Tips

Last Thursday, I shared my green card application checklist after finally mailing the application package. If you are getting ready to apply, you will notice that as you read instructions and fill out forms, you come up with more and more questions. Here are a couple of tips that will hopefully help provide some answers during this process. Continue reading

H1B to Green Card Checklist

It’s done! I mailed my application for permanent residence (a.k.a. green card) on Monday and now we are just crossing our fingers and waiting. When I started this process, it was hard finding helpful guidance outside the USCIS  instructions, so I came up with this checklist which I also included in the application’s cover letter. Hope it helps. Good luck! Continue reading

You know you are a Costa Rican living in the US when…

I’ve been living in the US (Florida and Atlanta) for a total of 6.5 years, and during that time I’ve encountered interesting assumptions, questions, reactions, and comments about my country and culture. Here is a compiled list. Continue reading